Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Peaceful moments!

Clean bums, Full Bellies, just chillin with our papa!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Labor and Delivery

Friday morning I went in to see my Dr and get the results for the testing she had me to do for the preeclamsia. The protein levels in your urine have to be 300 in order to be considered preeclampsia, mine were 297. So instead of waiting until June 1st to induce me she just wanted to go ahead and do it Friday so those levels wouldn't rise. I got checked in and around noon they started me on pitocin. John got there shortly after and gave me a sweet blessing. I was already dilated to a 3 when I checked in and at 7:30 pm I was only at a 4. My Dr came in to talk with us again at 9:30 pm and she discussed the likely possibility of a c-section if at 10:30 pm when she would come back to check I was still at a 4. My Dad offered a beautiful prayer asking Heavenly Father to bless us. My parents then went into the waiting room to visit with John's parents so John and I could try to rest. At 10:30 pm my Dr came back in and said get the room ready Lucy's head is right here and we are ready to push! ( I had to deliver in an operating room, which is a standard procedure for twins, since complications can arise and an emergency c-section is sometime necessary) They wheeled me into the OR and the Dr got scrubbed down, and a whole slew of nurses and other medical stuff came in and got everything set up. I think there were about 20 people in there! But they have to have a double set up. Two sets of nurses for each baby and then my nurse my Dr her assistant, then she also brought in her midwife to help. Then John and my mom. At 11:12 pm Lucy was born and exactly 10 minutes later at 11:22 pm Lincoln was born.
I feel so blessed, and know that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayer. In a situation where things could have easily been difficult and complications could have arose, everything went perfectly. I was able to deliver them vaginally, they were both as healthy as can be and we all got to go home together on Sunday morning. We have been blessed with so much!

Welcome Home!

Lucy Lorraine: Born 5/28/10 at 11:12 pm, weighed 6lbs 7oz, 18in

Lincoln John: Born 5/28/10 at 11:22 pm weighed 5lbs 14oz, 17 1/2 in