Thursday, May 20, 2010

I can see the finish line!

I had 2 appointments this week, one with the specialist that I have been seeing and the other with my OB. The specialist has been watching and monitoring the babies my whole pregnancy. Monday I saw her for the LAST TIME! Babies are measing in at 5lbs 10oz (baby girl) and 5lbs 130z (baby boy). WOWzers. Both are heathy. Wednesday I saw my OB and she said that we can induce labor on JUNE 1st!!!! That puts me between 37 and 38 weeks Full Term! I feel so blessed that not only have I made it full term with twins I am still working! Now keep us in your prayers as a twin vaginal birth can be difficult for me and the babies.


  1. Oh my gosh! That is so exciting! Good luck my dear! You will do great! We'll be thinking of you!

  2. Whoooo! I am so excited for you! I bet you are even more excited you get to see them earlier than expected. You should take a little time off work before they come. Get as much rest in as possible. LOL You silly girl, still working with twins in your belly. I should spank you.

  3. Wow Suzie that's great!!! They are so big for twins it seems. Congrats, you and babies do well together!
