Thursday, November 19, 2009

9 weeks-ish

So here are the most recent spottings of the two rugrats...hey at least they have little nubs now...better for swimming around in the abyss known as the uterus...


more heatbeats...
b baby...i think it's the boy

a baby...guessing the girl...

both babies...


  1. HOw cute!!!! Little nubbins are the best! Suse, I heard you are leaving Utah at the same time that I am flying in. POOPY! POOPY! I didn't like hearing that!

  2. i have meant to comment on your blog for the last month!! I even wrote once and it deleted itself when I clicked submit! Anyway, CONGRATS, CONGRATS, CONGRATS! We are so excited for you and your little boy and girl! TWINS- so much fun!
