Wednesday, March 24, 2010

27 weeks

To the request of many, that want to see my growing belly. Here it is at 27 1/2 weeks. Not too bad considering there are 2 babies growing in there.


  1. Not bad at all! You are tiny! Cute shirt too!

  2. I ditto Jocelyn's comments...especially since I'm 31 weeks and have you beat! And I'm not having twins! Congrats by the way. :)

  3. How cute are you!!! I can't believe you're having babies. Are we old enough to have kids?! :) Love you!

  4. Hi Susan!!
    You look so good!! Can't wait for those two to get here!!

  5. Lookin good! But I think I am as big as you... so sad. No posting pics of me for now BLAH! Miss ya... hope you're still feeling great!
